Thursday, April 18, 2013

Lion In The Shade - Casino Op Art

illusion and op art drawing of lion in the shade
Whilst it is well known that the support of a good friend or partner is invaluable in reducing stress, it is less well known that household pets such as dogs or cats may be even more effective. A recent study has shown that when people are conducting a task that is stressful, people will experience less stress when their pet is with them. This applies to a task that is inherently stressful and intricate such as filling in your taxes, however, even an enjoyable task such as playing at the online casino will raise the players bold pressure and stress level, if the player chooses to play whilst stroking a sleeping cat nestled on his lap, this will reduce his stress level and make the whole experience more enjoyable and relaxing. Pets are also a great help in social situations. When out walking a person with a dog on a leash is perceived as more approachable and it will often give people the excuse to stop and talk. This will increase the number of people that we meet and communicate with and this can be an invaluable asset for lonely and elderly pet owners to increase their social network of both friendsand acquaintances.  A pet will also encourage its owner to go out and get some exercise and as exercise is another great skill for managing stress as well as overall health, owning a pet has even more great  

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